Our Committee

Wilson Street Kindergarten is supported by a Committee of Management, consisting of voluntary parent members, committed to the delivery of quality early childhood education. The Committee is responsible for the general business, finance, staffing, policies (creation, review and adherence), as well as the administration and maintenance of the centre.

The Committee Members are:

President: Hugh Gyles

Deputy: Caroline Bayford

Treasurer: Michael Barnett

Secretary: Priya Cahill

Events & Fundraising: Amy Garby, Laura Turner, Amanda Davies

General: Christine Angelini

General: Matt Pearson

General: Robert Forrester

Each kindergarten group also has at least one parent representative assisting with fundraising and social events throughout the year, and organising small social events within each kindergarten group.

If you are interested in joining our committee and would like more information, please contact our Operations Manager, Maureen Rodbard-Bean via email wsk@wilsonstreetkinder.com.au 

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